1 概述
1.1 技术描述
- xxx技术
- xxx技术
1.2 技术发展历史
1.3 技术发展趋势
2 技术方案
2.1 算法
2.2 机械
- Thor 3D打印机械臂方案
2.3 Web 3D机械臂模拟
- Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio
Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio (MRDS) is a free 3D simulation software designed by Microsoft with support for a wide range of sensors and other robotic platforms. The platform is compatible with all Windows OS versions and it could be used with C# Visual Studio 2010 to create new services for RDS. The MRDS offers support to simulate service robots including Kinect technology. In collaboration with Parallax, Microsoft design a robotic platform called Eddie used for creativity, innovation and experimentation.
- Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio
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RoboLogix RoboLogix is a 3D industrial simulation software developed by Logic Design. The platform was designed to be used in real-world emulation for robotics applications with five-axis industrial robot. The program installed on the robot can be developed and tested in a wide range of practical applications. The platform offers support for a wide range of industrial robots including ABB, Fanuc and Kawasaki.
Anykode Anykode is a 3D simulation software with support for service robots. The tool can run on Windows and Linux operating systems, and offers a high-level of reality. In the interface are available a wide range of sensors and actuators with real properties to be used in simulation. The platform can be used in educational purpose as well as researchers or by engineers.
Webots Webots is 3D simulation platform developed by Cyberbotics and used in service and industrial simulations. The tool offer support for Windows, Linux and Apple platforms, and is one of the most used simulation software in education or research purposes. Any robot can be modeled, programmed and simulated in C, C++, Java, Python, Matlab, or URBI. The software is compatible with external libraries like OpenCV.
Roboguide Roboguide is a software developed by Fanuc and fully compatible with Fanuc robots. The platform was designed to be used to simulate in virtual environments the behavior of Fanuc industrial robots. The tool is 3D compatible, while the program can be downloaded in the physical model of the robot.
MotoSim MotoSim is a 3D industrial simulator dedicated to Motoman industrial robots. The simulator was designed to be used for an industrial optimization process for Motoman robotic arms used in industrial applications.
RobotExpert RobotExpert is a 3D simulation tool designed to simulate in an accurate environment the Siemens industrial robots. Is an intuitive program used to design and modeling workcells as well as robots and mechanisms.
RobotStudio RobotStudio is an industrial simulator tool developed by ABB. The software allows you to develop realistic simulation scenarios for ABB industrial robots as well as real robot programs and configuration files.
RobotSim RobotSim is a virtual development tool designed by Cogmation Robotics able to run on Microsoft Windows XP. This is a 3D program with support for a suite of software developed by the same company. The RobotSim is a powerful tool to design and build service robots.
SimplyCube SimplyCube was designed to provide realistic 3D simulations for service robots. Using a 3D editor, the user can develop rich 3D scenes to simulate the robot behavior.
Workspace Workspace is a 3D compatible software for industrial services simulations developed by WAT Solutions. The platform support programming languages for a wide range of industrial robot manufacturers including ABB, Fanu, Mitsubishi, and many others.
WorkCellSimulator WorkCellSimulator is a 3D industrial simulation software developed by IT Robotics srl based in Italy. The tool can be used in simulation for at least packaging, sorting, or laser cutting applications.
AX On Desk AX On Desk is an industrial simulator software developed by Nachi, a Japanese robotic automation solutions company. It can run on Windows operating systems, while the platform is designed for accurate 3D industrial simulations in a realistic looking work cell.
RoboWorks RoboWorks is a 3D simulation tool developed by Newtonian. The software can be used to simulate in a virtual 3D world the behavior for industrial and service robots. RoboWorks offer support for ‘C/C++’, C/C++ interpreter Ch, VB, VB.NET, LabView, etc.
Blender Blender is a powerful tool to design and simulate service robots in complex environments. The platform is compatible with Windows (XP, Vista, 7), Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, and Sun. With 3D content support, Blender is one of the most advanced design tools that can be used to simulate in virtual worlds the behavior of the robots.
Gazebo Gazebo is a multi-robot simulator with support for a wide range of sensors and objects. The software is ROS compatible along with many others Willow Garage robotics platforms.
Simbad Simbad is a scientific and educational Java programming language simulator. The software has a real support for artificial intelligence used in service robots. It could be used on Mac OS X , Windows XP and some Linux distributions.
Lpzrobots Lpzrobots is a 3D physically realistic robot simulator designed in the labs of Leipzig University. Fully compatible with Linux OS, the tool can be used especially in education and research purposes.
Ezphysics Ezphysics is a 3D compatible simulator with embedded objects support. It is a 3D simulation tool closed to games where robots are brought to life.
V-REP Designed by Coppelia Robotics, V-rep is one of the most advanced 3D simulators for industrial robots. The tool offers support for a wide range of programming languages including C/C++, Python, Java, Lua, Matlab or Urbi. It has support to develop algorithms to simulate automation scenarios, the platform is used in education as well by engineers for remote monitoring or safety double-checking.
EASY-ROB Easy-Rob is a 3D simulation platform based on the idea to “Robotics Made Easy”.
AristoSim AristoSim is an intuitive simulator and programming platform used for industrial applications. The platform can be used offline as well as online in a browser.
Morse Morse is a 3D simulator tool used to design and develop service robots. The tool is especially used in education with a focus on simulation of small to large environments, indoor or outdoor.
Eureka Eureka is a new platform capable to simulate, analyze, and optimize the milling and turning machines. The program has a graphical interface and a set of APIs compatible with a wide range of programming languages including .NET, VB, C++, Delphi and VBScript. You can use the simulator starting from 3 axis milling machine and up to mill turning machines without any limit on the number of axes.
ANVEL Anvel is a simulation software able to simulate and test a wide range of robots and vehicles in stunning 3D environments. The simulation tool allows you to read data from several sensors, track variables, and many more features for a closer simulation to the physical world.
STDR Simple Two Dimentional Robot Simulator or STDR Simulator is a 2-D multi-robot Unix simulator designed for realistic simulations and with a wide range of functionalities. The goal of this simulation software is to make the robotics simulation as simple as possible.